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Your heel not only supports the weight of your body, but it also absorbs the impact each time your foot hits the ground and helps to spring you forward with every step you take. Although your heel can handle heavy loads, too much stress can lead to problems.
Pain under the heel is frequently associated with plantar fasciopathy. This condition affects the band of connective tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot from the heel to the base of the toes. According to statistics, plantar fasciopathy affects 1 in 10 people at some point during their lifetime. In the United States alone, more than two million people receive treatment for this painful condition.
If you experience heel pain when you first get out of bed in the morning, after sitting for a while or following prolonged activity, your discomfort may be a sign of plantar fasciopathy. Contact our office for an evaluation and care. Both early diagnosis and intervention help to prevent further damage to foot health and function. For many people, conservative therapy alone may offer relief. Initial recommendations such as rest, modified activity, ice massage, oral analgesics, supportive shoes, and stretching techniques can help alleviate your discomfort. Along with these modes of treatment, our office may also prescribe physical therapy, foot orthotics, night splinting, casting, or corticosteroid injections.
However, when symptoms of plantar fasciopathy are debilitating and persistent even after an extended course of conservative therapy, the next step may be extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT). This non-invasive method of care involves the targeted delivery of shock waves to injured soft tissue to reduce pain and promote healing. The intent is to stimulate small blood vessel formation and increase the delivery of nutrients to the affected area to foster healing and alleviate pain.
We maintain a position at the forefront of advances in care to help patients enjoy optimal foot health and function. For more information on shockwave (ESWT) therapy or any of the services we provide, give us a call today.